Declaring June 19th, 2021 as the 156th Juneteenth Independence Day in Cortland County
Cortland County Proclamation

WHEREAS, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863. The Proclamation stated that Enslaved people who lived in Confederate or rebel states were free. The Proclamation also allowed previously Enslaved men to serve as soldiers in the Union Army and Navy, AND
WHEREAS, on June 19th, 1865, about two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation, Major General Gordon Granger arrived at Galveston, Texas. He brought with him more than 2,000 Federal soldiers, many of whom were black, and they marched through Galveston. In various locations on the march General Granger read General Order, NO. 3 which declared the end of the Civil War and that all slaves were free, AND
WHEREAS, exactly one year later, on June 19th, 1866 the African American community in Galveston celebrated the first Juneteenth Independence Day. African American’s dressed in their finest clothes for prayer services and Church gatherings. They had concerts, rodeos, parades, speeches and barbeques as well, AND
WHEREAS, Juneteenth is a day spent reflecting on the hardships African American’s had to endure on their path to freedom. It is a time to honor the history, perseverance, contributions and accomplishments of African Americans, AND
WHEREAS, the grassroots celebration of Juneteenth is spreading to more places across the U.S each year. Juneteenth is currently celebrated in 46 states and the District of Columbia as a special day of observance in recognition of the Emancipation of all slaves in the United States, NOW THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, that the Cortland County Legislature officially recognizes June 19th, 2021 to be “Juneteenth Independence Day”, AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED, that the Cortland County Legislature recognizes the importance of celebrating the history, perseverance, contributions, and accomplishments of the black community during “Juneteenth Independence Day, AND BE IT FURTHER
RESOLVED, that the Cortland County Legislature urges Cortland County residents to observe “Juneteenth Independence Day” with appropriate programs and activities.